Sunday, January 28, 2007

Current & Future Goals

I am earning my doctoral degree in educational administration because this is a goal I’ve had since starting my undergraduate coursework. The reason this has been a goal since starting my undergraduate coursework is because of the educational experiences and opportunities I had growing up. Working towards this degree has expanded my knowledge of school district and state educational operations as a whole. Furthermore, I believe the knowledge I’ve acquired coupled with my on the job experience will assist me in achieving one of my future goals of becoming the superintendent of a school district with a student population of twenty to thirty-thousand students. My current goals are:
Complete my doctoral degree and superintendent’s certification by December 2008.
Assist our campus in becoming an exemplary campus in its first year being open.
Continue to grow professionally and personally from the discussions, the readings, and the assignments so I may better assist the students and the teachers on my campus.
My future goals are:
Obtain a Superintendent of Schools position for a large school district.
Become fluent in speaking Spanish.
Continue to grow professional and personally so I may better assist the student and the teachers in my district.

1 comment:

Dr. W said...

Let's think about how connections via technology can assist you in reaching your goal of speaking Spanish!